Showing posts with label Menstruation Pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Menstruation Pain. Show all posts

Relief from Menstruation Pain

Relief from Menstruation Pain

Menstruation is the process or time of menstruating. In short, menstruate means discharge of blood etc from the uterus generally once in a month. Menstruation starts at the age of 10-12 years of a girl. It may continue up to the age of 40-45 years. When the ovum is matured in the ovaries it is surrounded by a type of sac which is known as follicle. The follicle opens and releases the ripened ovum. This process is called ovulation. Roughly after every 28 days one egg is released alternatively from the two ovaries. The time may vary from 22 days to 40 days and the flow of blood may last for five to seven days. During the period from 14 to 45 years of a woman about 300-400 eggs are discharged but maximum eggs are not fertilized. If conception takes place, the matured ovum gets embedded in the uterus. When conception does not take place the egg or ovum along with the thickened lining of the uterus and extra blood is discharged through the vagina. This is called menstruation.

Sometime a girl or woman may feel pain during the time of menstruation or just before the menstruation. The pain is due to muscular contraction. One should not be worried. Proper exercise, forming regular habit of defecation and proper diet can give relief from menstruation pain. If the pain is beyond control, advice of doctor may be taken.