Swine Flu(H1N1): What is Swine Flue, Symptoms, Treatment

Recent outbreak of Swine Flu makes the world perturbed. The 2009 flu outbreak was fist noticed in Mexico. All of a sudden a large number of people infected with a common influenza-like Flu. Initially it was presumed that is normal seasonal influenza. But U.S labs confirmed that it is Swine Flu. World Health Organization raised a strong signal (phase 5 out of maximum 6) for it. 117 death cases were reported during the time and of which 80% from Mexico. Many countries including India advised their citizens not to visit foreign countries without essential reason.
What is Swine Flu:
WHO termed the new influenza virus as A(HINI). But it is widely used in the mass media as Swine Flu. Earlier Swine Flu virus and human flu virus spreads differently. In the past Swine Flu affected people had a direct contact with pigs. But in this case though it is originated in pigs but can spread from person to person. It is not necessary to have a contact with pigs.

Symptom of Swine Flu:
Symptoms of Swine Flu are similar to that of common Flu. Fever, chills, headache, body ache, sore throat, fatigue ness are the symptoms of Swine Flu. Besides these a Swine Flue affected person might have the symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, rapid breathing and excessive sleeping.

How Swine Flu spreads:
It spreads like common flu. It can spread through air from cough and sneezes. One may be infected if he touches any thing with Swine Flu and after that touch his mouth, even nose or eye.
Dos and Don’ts:
1. One should wash his hands properly with soap.
2. One should not go out side if he is ill.
3. Covering mouth and nose at the time of coughs and sneezes.
4. One should avoid close contact of a sick person.
5. One should avoid touching mouth, nose and eyes.
Treatment of Swine Flu:
Treatment should be started as early as possible. Generally two medicines are prescribed for Swine Flue- oseltamivir and zanamivir. Duration of treatment upto one week. Antiviral can be used to combat it just like recommended for seasonal influenza. however there is no vaccine for HINI.


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