COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease and transmitted from
person to person through droplet. Novel Coronavirus was first identified in
Wuhan, Hubei Province of China in November 2019. Initially, WHO announced in
social media that cluster of pneumonia cases with no death is happened in
Wuhan. On 11th March 2020 WHO declared COVID-19 as a pandemic.
mainly affects lungs. Older people, children and people of any age with
underlying medical conditions are at high risk if exposed to COVID-19.
Symptoms of COVID-19
1. Fever
2. Dry cough
3. Difficulty in breathing
4. Loss of taste
5. Sore throat
6. Nasal congestion
7. Headache & body pain
8. Diarrhea
9. Rash on skin
These are the possible symptoms and may vary from person to person. Some infected people may not have any symptoms or mild symptoms. Generally symptoms appears between 2-14 days after exposure of the virus. Thermal scanner or breathing exercise cannot detect COVID-19. Laboratory test is the only way to confirm the infection of COVID-19
Prevention is always better than cure. Since vaccine not yet developed, we should take sufficient precautions to avoid COVID-19 infections. Older adults, children and people with co-morbidities or pre-existing medical conditions like liver disease, heart diseases, asthma, HIV, Cancer, diabetes need extra precautions. One can be exposed to COVID-19 in high temperature also. Drinking alcohol also does not prevent or cure COVID-19.
How long Coronavirus will survive on surface,
it mainly depends upon the materials. On plastic it can survive for longer
period (72 hours). On other materials it can survive 4 hours or longer.
To prevent yourself from COVID-19 following precautionary measures can be taken.
1. Maintaining at least one meter distance from people
2. Frequent washing of hands with soaps or using alcohol based sanitizers
3. Avoid touching mouth, nose and eyes
4. Covering mouth, nose and eyes
5. Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.
Home remedies
Vaccine for Novel Coronavirus not yet developed. Several experts and research institutes from diverse backgrounds are working to develop vaccine but in general way it will take time. It is expected that effective vaccines will be made available shortly. Till then we have to wait, stay safe and increase our immunity. Let’s explore our immunity booster:
1. Don’t be panic: If you are infected by Coronavirus. Don’t be panic. It may reduce your immunity. Keep patience. Remember more than 80% patients are without symptoms or mild symptoms. Keep away from negative Corona virus news.
2. Regular exercise: Practice free hand exercises and breathing exercise, walk at least a mile and involve yourself in physical activities.
3. Healthy diet: Take healthy diet so that your body can fight against COVID-19
4. Drink Warm water: Drink warm water three to four times a day.
5. Eat spices: Use spices like Ginger, turmeric, cumin, garlic, black pepper etc.
6. Take Vitamin C: Take fruits and vegetable rich with vitamin C like lemon, oranges, broccoli, and spinach.
7. Use Herbal: Take herbal tea and Basil regularly.
The above remedies will just boost your immunity to fight against COVID-19, but there is no evidence to cure the disease. You may prefer the home remedies in case of mild symptoms.
The traditional or home remedies can give you comfort. However, patients is to be closely monitored. Immediate medical care must be taken in case of difficulty of breathing, pain in the chest, very high fever, complications or any other irregular symptoms like bluish or discoloration of lips or face.
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