Home remedies for COVID-19 in India

COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease and transmitted from person to person through droplet. Novel Coronavirus was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China in November 2019. Initially, WHO announced in social media that cluster of pneumonia cases with no death is happened in Wuhan. On 11th March 2020 WHO declared COVID-19 as a pandemic. 

It mainly affects lungs. Older people, children and people of any age with underlying medical conditions are at high risk if exposed to COVID-19.

Symptoms of  COVID-19

1.      Fever
2.      Dry cough
3.      Difficulty in breathing
4.      Loss of taste
5.      Sore throat
6.      Nasal congestion
7.      Headache & body pain
8.      Diarrhea
9.      Rash on skin
These are the possible symptoms and may vary from person to person. Some infected people may not have any symptoms or mild symptoms. Generally symptoms appears between 2-14 days after exposure of the virus. Thermal scanner or breathing exercise cannot detect COVID-19. Laboratory test is the only way to confirm the infection of COVID-19

Prevention is always better than cure. Since vaccine not yet developed, we should take sufficient precautions to avoid COVID-19 infections. Older adults, children and people with co-morbidities or pre-existing medical conditions like liver disease, heart diseases, asthma, HIV, Cancer, diabetes need extra precautions. One can be exposed to COVID-19 in high temperature also. Drinking alcohol also does not prevent or cure COVID-19.  

 How long Coronavirus will survive on surface, it mainly depends upon the materials. On plastic it can survive for longer period (72 hours). On other materials it can survive 4 hours or longer.

To prevent yourself from COVID-19  following precautionary measures can be taken.

1.      Maintaining at least one meter distance from people
2.      Frequent washing of hands with soaps  or using alcohol based sanitizers
3.      Avoid touching mouth, nose and eyes
4.      Covering mouth, nose and eyes
5.      Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.
Home remedies

Vaccine for Novel Coronavirus not yet developed. Several experts and research institutes from diverse backgrounds are working to develop vaccine but in general way it will take time. It is expected that effective vaccines will be made available shortly. Till then we have to wait, stay safe and increase our immunity.  Let’s explore our immunity booster:

1.  Don’t be panic: If you are infected by Coronavirus. Don’t be panic. It may reduce your immunity. Keep patience. Remember more than 80% patients are without symptoms or mild symptoms. Keep away from negative Corona virus news.
2.  Regular exercise: Practice free hand exercises and breathing exercise, walk at least a mile and involve yourself in physical activities.
3.   Healthy diet: Take healthy diet so that your body can fight against COVID-19
4.   Drink Warm water: Drink warm water three to four times a day.

5.    Eat spices: Use spices like Ginger, turmeric, cumin, garlic, black pepper etc.
6.    Take Vitamin C: Take fruits and vegetable rich with vitamin C like lemon, oranges, broccoli, and spinach.

7.     Use Herbal: Take herbal tea and Basil regularly.
The above remedies will just boost your immunity to fight against COVID-19, but there is no evidence to cure the disease. You may prefer the home remedies in case of mild symptoms.
The traditional or home remedies can give you comfort. However, patients is to be closely monitored. Immediate medical care must be taken in case of difficulty of breathing, pain in the chest, very high fever, complications or any other irregular symptoms like bluish or discoloration of lips or face.

How to take care during adolescence period

What is adolescence: Adolescence may be defined as the period when a girl or a boy transit from a childhood to adulthood. It is also called pubertal period. Early stage of adolescent development is puberty. In adolescent period various bodily and physiological and also psychological changes take place. The adolescent period may be extends from pubescence to late teens. In this period physical changes of a boy or girl is completed.

Characteristics of adolescence: One can not say the exact time of starting adolescence period. It may begins in 10 to 15 yrs depends upon the physical structure and psychological development. It also depends upon the socio-economic development. But we may determine it for Boys, the overt evidence may be the first nocturnal emission and for girls it begins with the first menstruation. Various physical and psychological changes developed which begin at puberty and it continues through out the whole adolescence period. The rate of changes during adolescence may vary from person to person. Following are the main physical and psychological changes:

Physical Changes:
  1. Change of voice in boys and development of breast in girls. Growing of hair.
  2. From the age of 10 years the boys lose their height advantage over girls and during middle teens they regain the advantage. The girls generally become taller than the girls who begin to menstruate at an earlier date.
  3. At the early puberty period the girls tend to become heavier than boys but from the later period of puberty the boys tend to heavier than girls and it continue.
  4. The skeletal structure of a boy and girl seemed to be same in childhood. During adolescence changes take place. Boy’s form is usually characterized by straight leg lines, slender hips and broad shoulders and girl’s leg lines usually become curved and her hips widen although her shoulders remain narrow.
  5. The strength of a boy during adolescence and later period increases over girls.
  6. Some particular ailment like pimple.
Psychological changes and mental development:
  1. Sudden physical changes effect on mind during adolescence period.
  2. During adolescence period ability of logical thinking developed
  3. In childhood they memorize rhyme and words. But from the adolescence period they feel interest in ideas.
  4. Their personal interest changes. They are extremely interested in clothes. They usually like bright colors and modern fashions.
  5. Feel interest in opposite sex
  6. Positive peer relationships developed. Maintain distance from elder family members and parents.
  7. Increase interest in moral values and beliefs.
  8. Emotional and sensitive
  9. Development the sense of identity. During adolescence they like to establish themselves as an individual.
How to take care a boy or girl during adolescence period:
A boy or a girl during adolescence is very much emotional sensitive. Various mental and physical changes take place during adolescent. Due to sudden change in body and mind they feel hard to adjust with newly developing characteristics. Physical appearance is a major problem for every boy or girl. They like to look in mirror again and again and want to be beautiful. They want to compare with popular movie stars. Teenagers feel interest in opposite sex. Day dreams together with sexual urges are the main problem of a boy or girls during adolescence. Their interest is also changed and tries to maintain distance from parent and other elder members of the family. One has to handle a boy or girl during adolescence period very carefully. You have to make them acquainted with the changes during adolescence period. Tell them that the changes are normal and you have passed such a period also. For girls, mother or teacher should discuss freely about the menstruation so that they can familiar with the matter. If a teenager feels discomfort with the short height or feeble body, tell them about great personalities with such disadvantages. You may advice them to built a good personality. Frankly tell them that the sexual urge also normal for every human being. You may grow interest in music, painting, reading etc. Physical exercise or outdoor game plays a very important role for teenagers. Give importance to their feelings. Don’t rebuke them or punish. Counseling is good. They are emotional and sensitive, try to understand them.